Best Paper Award
The WINE 2020 Best Paper Award is given to
Niclas Boehmer and Klaus Heeger
A Fine-Grained View on Stable Many-To-One Matching Problems with Lower and Upper Quotas
Here are the finalists:
Paul Goldberg, Edwin Lock and Francisco Javier Marmolejo Cossio
Learning Strong Substitutes Demand via Queries
Lukas Graf and Tobias Harks
The Price of Anarchy for Instantaneous Dynamic Equilibria
Will Ma
Revenue-Optimal Deterministic Auctions for Multiple Buyers with Ordinal Preferences over Fixed-price Items
Niclas Boehmer and Klaus Heeger
A Fine-Grained View on Stable Many-To-One Matching Problems with Lower and Upper Quotas
Grant Schoenebeck and Fang-Yi Yu
Two Strongly Truthful Mechanisms for Three Heterogeneous Agents Answering One Question
This was the first WINE where we had two awards: "Best Student Paper Award" (400 euros) and "Best Paper Award" (600 euros) generously provided by Springer. This year two awards went to the same paper "A Fine-Grained View on Stable Many-To-One Matching Problems with Lower and Upper Quotas" by Niclas Boehmer and Klaus Heeger.
Selection Committee
Dimitris Fotakis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Yuqing Kong, Peking University, China
Irene Lo, Stanford University, USA
Georgios Piliouras, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
Lirong Xia, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Favorite Presentation
Title: Markets for Efficient Public Good Allocation with Social Distancing
Presenter: Devansh Jalota (coauthors: Qi Qi, Marco Pavone and Yinyu Ye)
* Selected by the registered audiences.
Favorite Poster
Title: Optimization of Pick-up Location and Routing in Waste Management System
Presenter: Michael Segun Olanipekun (coauthors: Olubayo Adekanmbi, Olalekan Akinsande, Aboze Brain John, Ezekiel Adebayo Ogundepo)
* Selected by the registered audiences.